Scraping APIQuickstartGetting Started

Getting Started

Parameter Explanation

actorstringA very important parameter, it represents a service. Click to view the scraper actor list information
inputobjectParameters required by the actor to complete a data scraping task.
proxyobjectThe country field, use a proxy from this region to send requests.

Task Success Description

  • An HTTP code of 200 indicates that the task has been successful, and the response body is the data.

Task In Progress Description

  • An HTTP code of 201 indicates that the task is being processed, please retrieve the task result through the taskId.
  "message": "task in progress",

Task Failure Description

  • HTTP code 429. Too many requests.
  • HTTP code 400, please check if the task parameters are valid.
  • HTTP code 500, internal server error.

Simple Request

Use Python to Fetch Shopee Data

import requests
import json
API_KEY = ""
host = ""
url = f"https://{host}/api/v1/scraper/request"
payload = json.dumps({
   "actor": "scraper.shopee",
   "input": {
      "action": "shopee.product",
      "url": ""
headers = {
   'Content-Type': 'application/json',
   'x-api-token': f'{API_KEY}'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)