Universal Scraping APIFeaturesJS Render

JS Render

Universal Scraping API is a powerful web content retrieval service that supports complex web page rendering and interaction scenarios.

Basic Request Structure

  "actor": "unlocker.webunlocker",
  "input": {
    "url": "https://example.com",
    "js_render": false,
    "headless": false
  "proxy": {
    "country": "US"

Core Features

JavaScript Rendering

JavaScript rendering enables handling of dynamically loaded content and SPAs (Single Page Applications). Enables a complete browser environment, supporting more complex page interactions and rendering requirements.

js_render=true,we will use the browser to request.

  "actor": "unlocker.webunlocker",
  "input": {
    "url": "https://www.google.com/",
    "js_render": true
  "proxy": {
    "country": "US"

JavaScript Instructions

Provides an extensive set of JavaScript directives that allow you to dynamically interact with web pages.

These directives enable you to click elements, fill out forms, submit forms, or wait for specific elements to appear, providing flexibility for tasks such as clicking a “read more” button or submitting a form.

  "actor": "unlocker.webunlocker",
  "input": {
    "url": "https://example.com",
    "js_render": true,
    "js_instructions": [
        "wait_for": [
        // Wait for element
        "click": [
        // Click element
        "fill": [
          "search term"
        // Fill form
        "keyboard": [
        // Simulate key press
        "evaluate": "window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)"
        // Execute custom JS

Here are some common actions you can perform with JavaScript Instructions:

JavaScript Instructions Reference

wait_for[selector, timeout]Wait for element to appear{"wait_for": [".content", 30000]}
click[selector, delay]Click element{"click": [".button", 1000]}
fill[selector, value]Fill form{"fill": ["#input", "text"]}
waitmillisecondsFixed wait time{"wait": 2000}
evaluatejavascript_codeExecute JS code{"evaluate": "console.log('test')"}
keyboard[action, value, delay?]Keyboard operationSee keyboard operations table below

Keyboard Operations

Press key["press", keyInput]Press a specific keyInput{"keyboard": ["press", "Enter"]}
Type text["type", text, delay?]Type text with optional delay{"keyboard": ["type", "Hello", 20]}
Key down["down", key]Hold down a key{"keyboard": ["down", "Shift"]}
Key up["up", key]Release a key{"keyboard": ["up", "Shift"]}

Supported Special KeyInput types: https://pptr.dev/api/puppeteer.keyinput

Resource Control

Resource loading control system for optimizing performance and bandwidth usage.

  "actor": "unlocker.webunlocker",
  "input": {
    "url": "https://example.com",
    "js_render": true,
    "block": {
      "resources": [
      "urls": [
        // Optional, URL pattern-based blocking

Complete Resource Types Reference:

Resource TypeDescriptionImpact
DocumentMain document and iframesCore page content
StylesheetCSS filesPage styling and layout
ImageImages and iconsVisual content
MediaAudio and video resourcesMultimedia content
FontWeb fontsText rendering
ScriptJavaScript filesPage functionality
TextTrackVideo subtitles and captionsMedia accessibility
XHRXMLHttpRequest callsLegacy async requests
FetchFetch API requestsModern async requests
PrefetchPrefetched resourcesPerformance optimization
EventSourceServer-sent eventsReal-time updates
WebSocketWebSocket connectionsBidirectional communication
ManifestWeb app manifestsPWA configuration
SignedExchangeSigned HTTP exchangesContent authenticity
PingPing requestsAnalytics and tracking
CSPViolationReportCSP violation reportsSecurity monitoring
PreflightCORS preflight requestsCross-origin security
OtherUnclassified resourcesMiscellaneous

Usage Example:

  "actor": "unlocker.webunlocker",
  "input": {
    "url": "https://example.com",
    "js_render": true,
    "block": {
      "resources": [

Best Practices for Resource Blocking:

  1. Performance Optimization

    • Enable js_render only when necessary
    • Use resource blocking wisely, Block non-essential resources for faster loading
    • Consider blocking Prefetch and Ping for reduced network usage
    • Keep Document and critical Script resources unblocked
  2. Bandwidth Management

    • Block Image and Media for bandwidth-intensive pages
    • Consider blocking Font to use system fonts instead
  3. Stability Enhancement

    • Implement request retry mechanisms
    • Add error handling logic
    • Use wait_for instead of fixed wait
  4. Resource Efficiency

    • Load resources on demand
    • Close unnecessary connections promptly

Note: Resource type strings are case-sensitive. Use exact matches as shown in the reference table.